The first thing we are going to do is install QTPass. SEE: Password Management Policy (Tech Pro Research) QTPass The process isn’t challenging, but there are a few moving pieces. I’m going to demonstrate how to install and use the necessary pieces on Elementary OS. This tool can be used on both Linux and macOS (sorry, Windows users). How to secure your email via encryption, password management and more (TechRepublic Premium) Meet the most comprehensive portable cybersecurity device This tool works in conjunction with the pass command to create a very user-friendly password manager for Firefox.

The primary tool is the PassFF Firefox extension. But what if you could use a Firefox browser password manager that makes everything a bit more secure and efficient? If that sounds like something you’d like to try, I have just the tool for you. But to some, making use of such a tool is just another link in an already lengthening chain. We all need to start using a password manager.